3 conditions to collaborative transformation of their organization, what’s happen?

3 conditions to collaborative transformation

I meet many organizations, especially C-levels in these organizations, who say they want to perform the collaborative transformation of their organization. What do they mean? Well, you know, publishing, sharing, social work, responsability, freedom of initiative, all this stuff.

I meet many organizations, especially C-levels in these organizations, who saythey want to perform the collaborative transformation of their organization. What do they mean? Well, you know, publishing, sharing, social work, responsability, freedom of initiative, all this stuff.


But when it comes to reality, to performing the collaborative transformation, they’re often challenged because here’s what we/they definitely need to manage the collaborative transformation of their organization:

  1. A truly committed decision-maker: someone with the power to decide because innovation rarely comes with consensus. Someone who will change the way he works and shares what he does and thinks, day after day. Someone who will really try and let his collaborators take initiatives.
  2. A specific topic (thanks to Sylvie Roth for this one): if you say « let’s deploy a social network to make our company more collaborative », you’re giving a hammer to people who don’t need to hammer any nail. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. But if the hammer comes in addition to your existing toolbox, then it’s just another tool that you have to cope with.
    So what you need to help people enrich their professional life and be more productive as well is to get interested in their existing job first. Then target a specific need, some usage that obviously could be better done another way. And then you can re-think this usage: will it be more productive by using Google+ or sticky notes? You don’t know until you truly seek simplification.

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